My two young sons, my mom, and I attended Roald Dahl’s James and the Giant Peach at the Marriott Theatre in Lincolnshire. The show was excellent. The wonderful singing, colorful costumes, animated actors, and live action keeps the audience very engaged. I highly recommend this play. Go see how the giant peach sets James free!

The production follows James (Kai Edgar), a young, orphan boy. James is thrilled to be adopted by his aunts (Lucy Godinez and Leah Morrow) until he realizes they are mean, selfish, and hateful. The production follows James and his giant peach through their many adventures on land and water. All of the actors were amazing and are very talented.

Ladahlord (Alex Goodrich) narrates the show. The insects who travel with James across his ocean adventure are Green Grasshopper (Christopher Kale Jones), Centipede (Garrett Lutz), Spider (Juwon Tyrel Perry), Ladybug (Elizabeth Telford), and Earthworm (Andres Enriquez). James quickly realizes who cares about him and who his real friends are. James and the Giant Peach is perfect for all ages.

James and the Giant Peach runs at the Marriott Theatre, 10 Marriot Drive, Lincolnshire through March 30th. Parking is free.
The performance lasts about an hour and 10 minutes, with a question and answer session at the end. Performances are most Wednesdays through Sundays at 10 am with select 12:30 pm performances and plenty of Spring Break performances. Tickets are $15.75 (plus tax and handling fees). FYI (847) 634-0200 or www.marriotttheatre.com.

Julia Rack's sons enjoyed James and the Giant Peach