**** Recommended Kayla Shipman absolutely sparkles in the Music Theater Works production of Legally Blonde. Her Elle Woods is fierce and very, very smart as well as drop-dead gorgeous. Harvard Law never saw her coming! Legally Blonde is well-written, has clever songs and is downright funny. 4 Spotlights
Legally Blonde was a 2001 smash hit film starring Reese Witherspoon. This version more or less follows that story but there are differences – mainly the music! Legally Blonde was written by Heather Hach with Music & Lyrics by Laurence O’Keefe & Nell Benjamin. This production was directed by Mandy Modic.

Fashionista Elle Woods, a Delta Nu at UCLA is expecting a proposal. Obviously she needs the perfect dress, so she goes shopping with her best friends, Pilar (Selena Robinson), Serena (Morgan Schoenecker) and Margot (Sabrina Bowen).
That evening, wearing that dress – in her signature color, pink – she waited impatiently for her fiancé-to-be, Warner Huntington III (Daniel Rausch) to pop the question. Much to her dismay, he dumps her for Harvard Law!

When Elle makes up her mind that she, too, can go to Harvard Law, she starts practicing to take the LSAT. In spite of her practically perfect LSAT and 4.0 average at UCLA, the Harvard admissions committee doesn’t know what to make of her, especially since she submitted a musical video essay.
Once at Harvard, Elle learns that her fashion sense is not a plus, Warner has a new, preppy girlfriend, Vivienne Kensington (Crystal Claros), and the other students shut her out. When she hasn’t done any reading before her first class, Professor Callahan (Korey White), shames her by singing Blood in the Water and throws her out of class.

Wearing Grecian white gowns, her very own Greek Chorus, Pilar, Serena and Margot, appear to cheer her up. Deciding the situation calls for drastic action, Elle decides to dye her hair brown. Hairdresser Paulette Buonufonte (Khaki Pixley) is aghast, so she shares her favorite CD of Celtic music and dreams of "Ireland" (funny, funny song, clever lyrics).
Emmett Forest (David Moreland) is the only one willing to help her. In a male/female defining moment – Emmett gives Elle a time-saver, shampoo and conditioner in one bottle – a real hoot!

Back at the salon, Paulette is smitten with the UPS man, Kyle O’Boyle (Isiah Engram) who wears tight little brown shorts as he struts through his deliveries. When she can’t seem to say a word to him, Elle and the Greek Chorus teach her the Bend and Snap.
Of course, Elle being Elle, she fights her way back, even winning one of Callahan’s coveted internships and a place on the legal team defending fitness mogul, Brooke Wyndham (Amanda Handegan). When Elle sings the Delta Nu song to Brooke, she gives her alibi to Elle, but swears her to secrecy.

When pool boy Nikos (Alex Villaseñor), on the stand testifying about his affair with Brooke, doesn’t react to her Bend and Snap, Elle decides he’s gay, but getting him to admit that is another story. Everyone in the courtroom joins in singing possibly the funniest song in the show, There, Right There (wherein everyone asks the question, is he gay or European?).
Finally, I have to mention the wonderful dogs, Elle’s Chihuahua, Bruiser (Kandi – Sacha Chen) and Paulette’s Rufus (Nosi – Desi Lynne Thorne & Evan Thorne).
In the performance I attended, Swings Connor Crumley (Kate & Chutney) and Andrew Lund (Judge) stepped in.

The Legally Blonde ensemble includes Riley Dominiak, Ava Stovall, Lanja Andriamihaja, Michael Davis Arnold, Ibrahim Khan, Kiana Beverly, Eric Amundson, Matthew Millin, Madison Jaffe-Richter, Connor Ripperger, Lili Galluzzo, Claire Campbell, Will Leonard and Victor López.
The Legally Blonde orchestra includes Linda Madonia (Conductor/Key 1), Kevin Disch (Key 2), Eugene Dizon (Key 3), Alison Tatum (Violin), Cara Strauss (Reed 1), Jonathan Golko (Reed 2), Chuck Parrish (Trumpet 1), Gregory Strauss (Trumpet 2), Matt Flanagan (Trombone), Michael Lockler (Guitar), Eric Von Holst (Bass), Justin Akira Kono (Drums) and Tina Laughlin (Percussion).
Legally Blonde closed December 29th. Next up for Music Theater Works, Guys and Dolls, opening March 6th at the North Shore Center for Performing Arts. FYI (847) 673.6300 or www.musictheaterworks.com