Fall 2024 Tree Steward training dates:
Sept. 12 & 13 - Portage (agenda)(registration)
Oct. 10 & 11 - Indianapolis general workshop (agenda) (registration)
Oct. 12 - Indianapolis refresh workshop (agenda) (registration)
The Indiana Community Tree Steward Program is a workshop offered periodically throughout the state that teaches the basics of urban tree care and how to communicate the benefits of urban trees. After attending the training, attendees are asked to use their skills by volunteering 15 hours of service to local communities to improve or maintain the urban forest.
A general Tree Steward workshop is a full two-day course for those who have not attended before. Participants may be anyone interested in trees, especially representatives of tree boards, municipal tree care specialists, or general volunteers interested in learning about trees.
A refresh Tree Steward workshop is a half-day course for those who have previously attended Tree Stewards and want to bolster their urban tree care knowledge.
Contact Racheal Stenger at 317-234-6741 or rstenger@dnr.IN.gov for questions about the Tree Steward program.