September 16, 2023
SuperMotoCross (SMX) World Championship Playoff
Chicagoland Speedway
SuperMotoCross (SMX) is a new venture in dirt bike racing as of this year. The SuperMotocross World Championship Playoff raced at the at the Chicagoland Speedway in Joliet, Illinois, the final race takes place in California on September 23.
SMX is not your typical racing experience. The riders race in different timed races according to the bike’s engine size earning points in each race for their season rank. While the race takes place on a racetrack the area is transformed into a racecourse. The racecourse is dirt, ramps and other obstacles that push the rider’s endurance and ability.

My usual review crew was altered for this race. My five-year-old daughter was not in attendance, so her spot was filled by her brother from another mother. Our demographic for the evening was boys between 8-13, who now want to buy dirtbikes. There were many children of all ages and tons of daughters, sisters and moms were in attendance.

Rebecca and Her Review Crew
The event was broken into 4 segments with breaks in between. The racecourse is set up so there isn’t a bad view in any seats. You can also walk the area and see the race wherever you want. The dirt makes ruts which changes the race for the riders each lap. There is a lot of excitement happening all over the racecourse, jumps, turns, ramps so there is a lot to take in.
There is an announcer, but at times it is hard to hear. They have good visual aids in place that help you follow the race. Overall, it was fun and exciting, I think it was a good family event and people of any age. The food options smelled delicious, and the prices were priced like similar events.