South Bend Civic Theatre’s Summer Camps will give youth from kindergarten through high school the opportunity to experience the magic of creating live theatre. The camps are taught by experienced and enthusiastic instructors who will coach kids on skills including acting, musical theatre, improv, and more.

This year, we're excited to offer two Summerstage sessions: The Jungle Book and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Spring Break Camp
April 7 - April 11
Grades 2-8
Where the Wild Things Are
Where the Wild Things Are is the story of Max, a little boy in a wolf suit who is sent to bed without supper. He uses his imagination to create a magical land full of wild things. Will he tame them and make his way home or will he stay in the land of wild things? Geared towards students with an interest in theatre, design, art, and engineering, our Spring Break camp gives students a hands-on design and performance experience where they will join live theatre and puppetry to create an original, fully produced piece of theatre in a short time and make great friends while doing so.
The Spring Break Camp for younger actors is a full day, one-week camp which culminates in a fully produced performance. Not only will campers have the experience of putting on a show in a short timeframe, but they will also get an intensive acting and performing experience filled with workshops, games, and other activities that will help them become stronger actors and make great friends while doing so.
Spring Classes
Around the World with Flat Stanley
Grades K-2
Feb 15 - Mar 22 | Sat | 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Stanley Lambchop was a regular kid doing regular things, until one day that all changed……In celebration of the upcoming SBCT production “The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley,” our Creative Dramatics class will “scour the globe” to try and solve Stanley’s unique problem through voice and movement, imaginative play, music, and story dramatization. Each student will receive a ticket to the SBCT production this March or April.

Jr. Improv: Intro to “Yes and…”
Grades 3RD – 5TH
Feb 15 - Mar 22 | Sat |10:30 - 11:30 am
Learn how to build exciting stories, create fascinating characters and present them in the most awe-inspiring way. This class is all about jumping in, having fun, playing hard, working together and finding your voice. This class offers the no fear approach to acting without a script all while mastering the improv skill of “Yes, and…” in a safe and creative environment.

The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley Jr.
Directed by Joshua Napierkowski
This is a youth production. Auditions are open to youth grades 2-12.
Presented at Battell Community Center in Mishawaka
**Auditions take place at South Bend Civic Theatre
Stanley Lambchop is your ordinary, everyday, run-of-the-mill, ten-year-old: normal mom and dad, normal little brother, normal life. That’s just the problem… for Stanley, life is too normal. He wants to travel the world, do something amazing, something no one’s ever seen before. Careful what you wish for, Stanley! One night, the bulletin board on the wall above Stanley’s bed comes loose and falls – right on top of Stanley! The next morning, Stanley Lambchop wakes up flat. Not just a little flat… really, REALLY flat! In a whirlwind musical travelogue, Stanley – the ultimate exchange student – scours the globe for a solution to his unusual problem. He’s stamped, posted and cancelled from Hollywood and France to Honolulu and beyond. And, whether he’s thwarting a robbery at the Louvre Museum in Paris, or “hanging ten” off the coast of Hawaii, Stanley is closing in on his goal of being a three-dimensional boy once more.