South Shore Arts is proud to present “Samsara: Cycles of Nature,” an exhibition of works by local artists Dawn Diamantopoulos, Carol Estes, and Lorena Salinas, in cooperation with the Diversified Arts Visionaries artist group at Substation No. 9, Hammond, IN.
Drawing upon the Buddhist concepts of cyclicality in all things and the Sanskrit meaning of samsara – “world” – these artists and their artworks weave together a tapestry of how each person views the world. Featuring over twenty recent works by Diamantopoulos, Estes, and Salinas, the exhibit includes a variety of paintings, photography, and printmaking. The artwork ranges from the abstract to representational to expressionistic in nature. Each artist has arrived at their artwork independently, and the exhibit focuses each piece into one unified concept that guides visitors through the cycle of nature and life itself.
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