Preventing Distraction Scams & Thefts
Please continue to warn your friends, family members, and neighbors who are senior citizens about this scam for their safety as suspects will often target their age group for thefts.
• Beware of individuals posing as town utility workers or other employees who will come to your door advising that there is a water or utility issue. These suspects will often push their way in if your storm door is not closed and locked and will sometimes wear construction hats, reflective vests, or fake ID cards. If allowed into a home, the suspect will keep the resident busy by having them run water or other tasks while their accomplice enters through the open front door and steals items from bedrooms. The suspects will often communicate through portable radios while you are distracted.
• Keep your exterior doors closed and locked at all times and never allow strangers into your home who you have not called for service. Report suspicious individuals immediately by calling 911.
• When working in your yard, lock your exterior doors and take your house key and cell phone with you. Be alert for individuals who might try to distract you by having you walk away to discuss utility issues.
• When shopping, be alert for pickpockets. Make sure that your purse is always zipped up and slung in front of you. Never place purses in your shopping cart. Always carry your wallet in your front pocket as well as this allows easy access for thieves.