In 1940, the 25-year-old Orson Welles, previously known as a stage and radio actor, had achieved widespread fame for his 1938 radio play adaptation of the novel THE WAR OF THE WORLDS. The show was produced without the participation or even the permission of the novel’s author H.G. Wells, a slight which much angered the novelist. When Wells and Welles happened to be staying in the same San Antonio hotel while on separate lecture tours in October 1940, Welles had an opportunity to meet with Wells and make peace with him. The world premiere play WELLS AND WELLES by Chicago playwright Amy Crider imagines what might have been said in a private meeting between these two pioneers of literature and the arts. What common values might have been shared between the 75-year-novelist, historian and futurist; and this American “Boy Genius,” 50 years his junior? In Crider’s play, the two share ideas about the potential of the arts and journalism to change the world, and the power of storytelling. WELLS AND WELLES will be performed by the Lucid Theater Company at City Lit Theater, 1020 W. Bryn Mawr, Chicago from July 18 to August 11. Press Opening will be Saturday, July 20 at 7:30 pm.
Playing H.G. Wells (right) at 75, more than 40 years after the success of his early popular novels like THE TIME MACHINE and THE INVISIBLE MAN, but still writing and speaking feverishly to warn the world of the catastrophes that could occur, will be Chicago theater veteran Pete Blatchford. Blatchford has appeared on stages in Chicago, New York, Buxton, England and Edinburgh, Scotland. Some of his recent credits are THE FALSE YEARS (Yippie Fest), THE GIFT OF PROPHECY (Rhino Fest), and A RESTORATION COMEDY (On The Spot Theatre Company). The 25-year-old Welles (pictured on left) will be played by Gerrit Wilford, whose recent credits include CAT'S CRADLE, THE MIDDLE PASSAGE (Lifeline Theatre), HAY FEVER (City Lit Theater), and THE SECRET COUNCIL (First Folio Theatre).
Gerrit Wilford (Left) as Orson Welles. Pete Blatchford (Right) as H.G. Wells.
WELLS AND WELLES will be directed by Amber Mandley, who recently earned critical acclaim for her direction of SHAKESEARE’S R & J, which was performed with an all-female cast at PrideArts. The production team will also include Scenic Designer Kevin Rolfs, a Jeff Award winner for Invictus Theatre’s WHO’S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF?; Lighting and Sound Designer Alvaro Ledesma, and Stage Manager Elijah McTiernan.
Tickets for WELLS AND WELLES will be $25.00 and are on sale now at Performances will be Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 7:30, and Sundays at 3:00, from July 18 to August 11; at City Lit Theater, 1020 W. Bryn Mawr Avenue, on the second floor of the historic Edgewater Presbyterian Church.
Written by Amy Crider
Directed by Amber Mandley.
Starring Pete Blatchford and Gerrit Wilford
Produced by Lucid Theater Company
July 18 – August 11
Preview: July 18
Press Opening Saturday, July 20 at 7:30 pm
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7:30, and Sunday at 3:00
City Lit Theater, 1020 W. Bryn Mawr, Chicago
Second Floor of the Historic Edgewater Presbyterian Church
Tickets: $25, on sale now
Please visit for more information.
It’s 1940, exactly two years after Orson Welles’ infamous “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast, a show that infuriated author HG Wells. By an amazing coincidence, Orson and HG are at the same hotel in San Antonio, on separate lecture tours. Orson has been busy making Citizen Kane, but he has a problem. On this rainy night, the 25-year-old Orson knocks on the door of the 75-year-old HG with a favor to ask. Based on true events.
Amy Crider (Playwright). Amy Crider has won awards for both drama and fiction. Her plays have won the Tennessee Williams One Act Play Contest, Word Wave, and the Heartland New Plays Contest. She’s been producing shows in Chicago since 2017, garnering warm reviews. Her first novel, DISORDER, won the University of New Orleans Press Lab Prize, and her second novel came out last fall. Recently she re-launched her theater company as Lucid Theater, which can be found at Her personal website is She also produces a podcast of audio versions of her work, Continuous Dream, found at
Amber Mandley (Director) most recently directed SHAKESPEARE’S R & J for PrideArts. Other directing experiences include Rhinofest, Violet Fest, Clock Productions, school productions for CICS-Bucktown, City Lit Adaptation Festival, Abbie Hoffman Festival, Milwaukee Avenue Arts Festival, On the Spot Theatre Company, and Hass Ben Productions. Amber is the Managing Director for PrideArts. Amber believes in a collaborative process of directing and finding the heart of a piece with the cast.
Pete Blatchford ( H.G. Wells) Pete has appeared on stages in Chicago, New York, Buxton, England and Edinburgh, Scotland. Recent credits are: THE FALSE YEARS (Yippie Fest), THE GIFT OF PROPHECY (Rhino Fest), A RESTORATION COMEDY, (On The Spot Theatre Company), METADATA, (Lucid Theater with Davjasfran Entertainment), ELEVATOR MUSIC, MISSING PERSON, AROUND & AROUND WE GO, SONS & LOVERS, CALLED HOME BY THE SEA, THE OPEN WINDOW and ROUNDELAY (On The Spot Theatre Company), LEDA, (Lucid Theater) and LEAN SCENES (Yippie Fest) His play WITCHES SABBATH (2023) was produced by Dreamers YOLO. Other produced plays include PITCH BLACK (2022), Dreamers YOLO, NOT IN OUR BACKYARD (2021) Pride Arts, THIS OLD GUITAR (2021), MISSING PERSON (2020), AROUND AND AROUND WE GO (2020) and THE OPEN WINDOW (2019, On The Spot Theatre Company.) Pete is also the author of the book WICKED, IMMORAL, UTTERLY BAD: AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF CHICAGO THEATRE 1837-1974.
Gerrit Wilford (Orson Welles) Gerrit Wilford’s previous Chicago theatre credits include CAT'S CRADLE, THE MIDDLE PASSAGE (Lifeline Theatre), HAY FEVER (City Lit Theater), and THE SECRET COUNCIL (First Folio Theatre). Regional credits include: MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING (Montana Shakespeare in the Parks), OTHELLO, AS YOU LIKE IT, and INTO THE WOODS (Texas Shakespeare Festival).
Lucid Theater Company has been producing plays since 2017. Previous productions include LEDA (2017), CHARLIE JOHNSON READS ALL OF PROUST (2019), METADATA (2021), and A LEGACY (Rhinofest, 2023). The company also produces the podcast series of audio plays CONTINUOUS DREAM.
Lucid Theater produces original plays with a broad range of subjects and styles. We center ideas and emotions to evoke thoughtful reflection, courageous choices, and compassion. Our goal is to fight against numbness and awaken our audiences to the richness and depth of emotional experience. Rather than replicate reality, we seek to reveal subjective experience for its dreamlike sensibility.
We honor the artist by paying everyone involved.
We commit to a respectful work environment.
We strive to hire female directors and leadership.
We pledge to listen deeply and question authentically.
We vow to uplift the human spirit.