These enhancements include simplifying the Letter of Interest (LOI) submittal process eliminating the requirement to upload:
- Active and Pending Balance (APB) form - Anticipated to be eliminated for the July RFP 2007.
- Affirmative Action Certification (AAC) form - Anticipated to be eliminated for the July RFP 2007.
- Current Completed Projects (CCP) form – Anticipated to be eliminated for the October RFP 2010.
For the July RFP 2007, INDOT will be implementing an automated APB report that will pull data from existing INDOT data and an AAC certification process that draws from the subcontracting grid within the user interface.
For the October RFP, INDOT will be implementing an online CCP form that will draw from a master list stored within the PSCS Portal.
Additional information about the new process is as follows:
Active and Pending Balances Form (APB) - An APB report will be auto-generated from INDOT’s contracting and purchase order data sources. INDOT does not have detailed subcontract financial data available so that information will not be included in the auto-generated report.
Firms who want to show contract deductions for subcontracted services will have the ability to add outstanding contract balances to the report, but this will not be required.
The APB report is used to validate prequalification financial capacity and to make a list of outstanding contract information available to selection scorers.
Firms with financial capacity beyond what is required for contracts on the RFP will not need to edit the report.
There is a possibility for discrepancies in the report in comparison to a firm’s records. A comments field will also be available to identify significant concerns. The results of this form will not interfere with a firm submitting an LOI. This enhancement will be implemented for the July RFP 2007.
Affirmative Action Certification Form (AAC) - The affirmative action certification process will be integrated in the online form used for adding subconsultant firms and percentages of work. DBE status will automatically show for firms prequalified with INDOT and listed as certified DBE’s. Subconsultants performing services that do not require prequalification may still be added and manually identified as DBE firms. The certification agreement will be integrated within the submit process. This enhancement will be implemented for the July RFP 2007.
Current and Completed Projects Form (CCP) - This form is specific to key staff and is to include projects beyond INDOT and so we are not able to auto-generate this information. INDOT has built a master online input form within the PSCS Portal into which information for many projects for many key staff members can be added and edited.
This master form will be available for adding project information starting in July. In order to allow plenty of time for input of information into the master list we are deferring implementation for use with LOI submittals until the October RFP 2010. Upon implementation firms will select project records from the master list instead of uploading custom forms for each item. Detailed instructions for this process will be available in the near future.
INDOT anticipates these enhancements to allow for a more user-friendly PSCS Portal experience. The week of July 6, 2020 firms should see the new CCP and APB icons on their PSCS Portal home pages.
INDOT strongly encourages firms to login early for July RFP submittals.
INDOT Consultant Services will be available continuously during the RFP process to provide any needed support. If you have questions about the PSCS Portal or the RFP process, please email