Hell in a Handbag Productions is pleased to conclude its 22nd season with the world premiere of The Golden Girls Meet The Skooby Don’t Gang: The Mystery of The Haunted Bush, bringing together two beloved Handbag parodies in one chilling Halloween tale. The girls – Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, Sophia (and their whacky friends) – enlist the help of America’s favorite 30-something teenage detectives to help solve a mystery in this all new episode written by Artistic Director David Cerda and directed by Frankie Leo Bennett. The Mystery of The Haunted Bush plays October 10 - November 3, 2024 on The Chopin Theatre Mainstage, 1543 W. Division St. in Chicago. Tickets are now on sale at handbagproductions.org or bit.ly/hauntedbush. The press opening is Sunday, October 13 at 7 pm.
Rose’s (Ed Jones*) nephew Fred (Tyler Anthony Smith*) is coming for a visit with his amateur sleuth friends, Daffy (Liz Lesinski*), Velva (Caitlin Jackson*), Skaggy (Josh Kemper) and their dog Skooby (to be announced). While Rose is excited, she’s also hiding the real motive for inviting them: she’s being haunted by a big, scary bush – or is it a tree? There’s seems to be some confusion about that.
Meanwhile, the Skooby gang is in awe of their idol and Sophia’s (Ryan Oates*) best friend, Nancy Drew (Danne Taylor*), particularly Skaggy, who takes things a step further. Can the gang help the girls solve the mystery of the haunted bush before it devours Rose? Will Velva and Daffy reveal their special secret? Will Dorothy (David Cerda*), Blanche (Grant Drager*) and Sophia survive the spooky hijinks?
Join Miami’s favorite roomies in a spine chillingly ridiculous tale, that combines Handbag’s signature biting humor with a heart.
Pictured (front, l to r) David Cerda, Ryan Oates, Grant Drager, Ed Jones, Caitlin Jackson and Elizabeth Lesinski with (back) Josh Kemper in a publicity image for Hell in a Handbag Productions’ world premiere of The Golden Girls Meet The Skooby Don’t Gang: The Mystery of The Haunted Bush. Photo by Rick Aguilar Studios.
The production stars original cast members David Cerda*, Grant Drager*, Ed Jones* and Ryan Oates* as the Geriatric Fab Four, joined by Caitlin Jackson*, Josh Kemper, Elizabeth Lesinski*, Tyler Anthony Smith* as the Skooby Don’t gang. Rounding out the cast are Michael S. Miller*, Scott Sawa* and Danne W. Taylor*. Additional casting to be announced
The production team includes Marcus Klein (Scenic Design), Madeline FeLauer (Costume Design), Liz Cooper (Lighting Designer), Danny Rockett (Sound Designer), Maggie Green (Props Designer), Syd Genco* (Make-Up Design), Keith Ryan* (Wig Design) and Veronica Kostka* (Stage Manager).
*Denotes Handbag Ensemble Member
Title: The Golden Girls Meet the Skooby Don’t Gang: The Mystery of the Haunted Bush – World Premiere!
Playwright: Artistic Director David Cerda*
Director: Frankie Leo Bennett
Cast (in alphabetical order): David Cerda* (Dorothy), Grant Drager* (Blanche), Ed Jones* (Rose), Josh Kemper (Skaggy), Caitlin Jackson* (Velva) Elizabeth Lesinski* (Daffy), Michael S. Miller* (Rita Claxton), Ryan Oates* (Sophia), Scott Sawa* (Stan), Tyler Anthony Smith* (Fred) and Danne W. Taylor* (Nancy Drew).
Location: The Chopin Theatre Mainstage, 1543 W. Division St., Chicago
Previews: Thursday, October 10, Friday October 11 and Saturday, September 12 at 8 pm
Opening/Press performance: Sunday, October 13 at 7 pm
Regular run: Thursday, October 17 – Sunday, November 3, 2024
Curtain Times: Thursday, Fridays and Saturday at 8 pm; Sundays at 3 pm. Please note: there will be added performances on Sunday, October 20, Sunday, October 27 and Wednesday, October 30 at 8 pm.
Tickets: $29 previews, $38 advanced general admission, $45 general admission, $48 at the door, $60 VIP/reserved seating with drink ticket. Group rates $35 for 10 or more. Tickets are now on sale at handbagproductions.org or bit.ly/hauntedbush.
About the Artists
David Cerda (Playwright) is a founding member and Artistic Director of Hell in a Handbag Productions, now celebrating its 23rd year anniversary. As resident playwright, he has written many Handbag productions as well as acted in them. His play, The Drag Seed was recently produced at LaMaMa Experimental Theater and his Golden Girls Lost Episodes parody shows have been produced around the country and was featured in Golden Con: Thank you for being a Fan, the world’s first fan convention dedicated to all things Golden Girls at Chicago’s Navy Pier. Cerda is a proud inductee into the Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame and recipient of a Jeff Award for lifetime achievement for his 23 years (and counting) of work and service to the community. He lives in Chicago with his partner, Christopher.
Frankie Leo Bennett (Director, he/him) is an award-nominated Chicago-based theatre multi-hyphenate, returning to Handbag after previously directing The Golden Girls Save XMAS and associate directing on The Golden Girls: The Lost Episodes: Vol. 3. Handbag acting credits: Christmas Dearest, Poseidon! An Upside-Down Musical, The Golden Girls: The Lost Episodes: Bea Afraid! Regional Direction: Porchlight Revisits The Apple Tree (co-), RENT (asst.), multiple editions of New Faces Sing Broadway. Broadway In Your Backyard and Chicago Sings (Porchlight Music Theatre). Regional Acting: Kokandy Productions (Jeff nominee - Best Principal Performer/Musical - The SpongeBob Musical); Porchlight Music Theatre; Theo Ubique. Composer/Playwright - Resident Services: A Crossed-Up Animal Musical. He currently serves as Producing Artistic Associate at Porchlight Music Theatre.
About Hell in a Handbag Productions
Hell in a Handbag is dedicated to the preservation, exploration, and celebration of works ingrained in the realm of popular culture via theatrical productions through parody, music and homage. Handbag is a 501(c)(3) Not for Profit. For additional information, visit handbagproductions.org.