The Factory Theater, 1623 W. Howard St., is proud to announce the second production of their 30th season, Kitty James and Destiny’s Trail to Oregon, opening Friday, Feb. 21. The production runs through March 29 and was written by Phil Claudnic and directed by Jennifer Betancourt. Previews for Kitty James and Destiny’s Trail to Oregon are Friday, Feb. 14 and Saturday, Feb. 15 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, Feb. 16 at 3 p.m. Press opening will be Friday, Feb. 21 at 8 p.m. The regular performance schedule includes Friday and Saturday performances at 8 p.m., with Sunday matinees at 3 p.m. There will be additional Thursday performances March 20 and 27 at 8 p.m. An accessibility performance will occur on Sunday, March 9 at 3 p.m. An understudy performance will occur on Sunday, March 16 at 3 p.m. Kitty James and Destiny’s Trail to Oregon has an approximate runtime of one hour and thirty minutes.Tickets are $30 and may be purchased through the box office by calling 312-275-5757 or by visiting TheFactoryTheater.com.
Kitty James, the Coffee Queen of Independence, MO, is heading west to find her fortune, but a mysterious medallion and an ancient prophecy may lead her down a different path in this hilarious homage to classic adventure films and text-based historical games.
The Kitty James and Destiny’s Trail to Oregon cast includes Kim Boler~++ (Kitty James); Vic Kuligoski* + (Norris); Danny Mulae* + (Mangy Willy); Tierra Matthews* ++ (Dead); Reginald Hemphill + (Weight); Abbi Bryson ++ (Ursula); Christopher Ratliff + (Reginald); Donovan Lunches + (ensemble); Eric Frederickson∽ + (ensemble); Johnny Moran + (ensemble); Mandy Walsh ++ (ensemble); Sydney Hanson ++ (US Kitty/Weight); Benjamin Jouras + (US Reginald/ensemble); Michael Davis Arnold + (US Dead/ensemble); David Wiesenhahn + (Norris/Mangy Willy/ensemble US); and Leela Watts ++ (Ursula/ensemble US)
The Kitty James and Destiny’s Trail to Oregon creative team includes Timothy C Amos∽ + (production manager); Phil Claudnic∽ + (playwright); Jennifer Betancourt∽ ++ (director); Henry Bender* = (assistant director); Katie Oliver ++ (stage manager); Ellie Humphrys* ^/+ (lighting designer); Hunter Cole ^ (set designer); Maureen Yasko ++ (fight/intimacy director); Isaac Mandel* + (sound designer); Antonia DiValentin ++ (costume designer); Kieran O'Connor + (technical director); and Dugan Kenaz-Mara + (props designer).
∽ denotes Factory Ensemble; * denotes Artistic Associate
Pronoun Key: + (he/him/his); ++ (she/her/hers); ^ (they/them/theirs); = (any with respect)
Phil Claudnic has been serving The Factory for 15 years. He has been a stage manager, production manager, operations manager, booking manager, and now is closing out his enure as the Executive Director. He’s also done acting and writing for the company with Kitty James and Destiny’s Trail to Oregon marking his first full-length play written by Claudnic and produced by The Factory.
Jennifer Betancourt is delighted to be an ensemble member with the Factory Theater. Factory stage credits include: The HoA, Xmas War: Endgame, Xmas War, Captain Steve’s Caring Kingdom, Fight City, and Born Ready, as well as a directorial debut at The Factory for The Factory Zone. When not at The Factory, she can be found baking pretentious bakes, doodling, recording her voice for posterity in audiobook form and setting small fires.
For 30 years, The Factory has created its shows from scratch, doing exactly the kind of theater they wanted to do. From writing workshops to the closing night bash, Factory shows are a unique experience that fits its exacting standards: original, bold, and full-tilt. Its shameless ensemble is an ambassador of a good time, ensuring Chicago remains heartily entertained.
The Factory Theater presents Kitty James and Destiny’s Trail to Oregon, opening Friday, Feb. 21. The production runs through March 29 and was written by Phil Claudnic and directed by Jennifer Betancourt. Previews for Kitty James and Destiny’s Trail to Oregon are Friday, Feb. 14 and Saturday, Feb. 15 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, Feb. 16 at 3 p.m. Press opening will be Friday, Feb. 21 at 8 p.m. The regular performance schedule includes Friday and Saturday performances at 8 p.m., with Sunday matinees at 3 p.m. There will be additional Thursday performances March 20 and 27 at 8 p.m. An accessibility performance will occur on Sunday, March 9 at 3 p.m. An understudy performance will occur on Sunday, March 16 at 3 p.m. Kitty James and Destiny’s Trail to Oregon has an approximate runtime of one hour and thirty minutes.Tickets are $30 and may be purchased through the box office by calling 312-275-5757 or by visiting TheFactoryTheater.com

Row 1 (L to R): Kim Boler, Vic Kuligoski, Danny Mulae and Tierra Matthews
Row 2 (L to R): Reginald Hemphill, Abbi Bryson, Christopher Ratliff and Donovan Lunches
Row 3 (L to R): Eric Frederickson, Johnny Moran, Mandy Walsh and Sydney Hanson
Row 4 (L to R): Benjamin Jouras, Michael Davis Arnold, David Wiesenhahn and Cara Juan