I attended the November 1st Echoes of Pompeii: A Pink Floyd Tribute concert at Theatre at the Center. This is a really good band, they played a really good concert, the only problem – I forgot how much I don’t like Pink Floyd so this wasn’t my favorite concert.
Echoes of Pompeii played all eras of Pink Floyd from the early Syd Barret songs to all the later stuff. They are a really good band, an 11-piece orchestra really. They are known for using synthesizers, slide guitars and delayed vocals. The stage show includes videos, lasers, lights and fog machines.

Band members include Jeremy Andrew (Bass Guitar & Founder of Echoes of Pompeii); Jason Andrews (Lead Vocals & Guitar); Andy Hescher (Lead Guitar & Backing Vocals); Tim Vienna (Guitar); Chris Wander (Keyboards); John Albright (Keyboards); Roye Robley (Drums); Bob Frankich (Saxophone).
Also Jessica Schmidt (Vocals); Madison Andrews (Vocals); Maddy Haskell (Vocals); Tiffany Lidster (Backing Vocals) Krystal Kadar (Backing Vocals); Kristyana Murray (Backing Vocals); Stella Rothenberg (Backing Vocals).

A couple of notes:
- I couldn’t help but notice that Jeremy and Jason Andrews are identical twins
- The band has a large following, many of whom were in the audience at TATC – including a very strange lady who ran up to the stage to play her cane like an air guitar