Dunes Arts Foundation presents two introductory sessions of The Writer’s Room, Saturday, January 25 and February 8, from 1-3 p.m. CST (2-4 p.m. EST), at the Michigan City Public Library, 100 E 4th Street. After these two introductory sessions the members will meet in smaller writing groups every third Saturday from 1-3 p.m. CST (2-4 p.m. EST), also at the Michigan City Public Library.
The Writer’s Room project will provide opportunities for showcasing new work, collaboration, and professional and artistic development for writers in the northwest Indiana/southwest Michigan region through an ongoing series of monthly meetings and special events. Membership is open to all writers in the area: playwrights, poets, fiction and nonfiction writers, lyricists and others interested in the literary arts who are interested in exploring contemporary themes and issues of diversity in their own creative writing. The Writer’s Room project is intended to address the following goals:
- Increased awareness of the work of the many culturally diverse writers now living and working in our area;
- Assistance in the development of new work through peer feedback, mentoring and showcases of ongoing work;
- The cultivation and inclusion of new voices of writers (16years +) from the established local artistic and cultural institutions;
- Increasing visibility of ethnically diverse artists, their stories and their work to the public and to area arts producers in our area;
- Promoting equitable practices among artists and arts providers in our area;
- Creating a stronger alliance between and among culturally diverse artists in northwest Indiana and southwest Michigan.
There is no cost for membership. For more information and to register please visit www.dunesARTS.org/writers, email dunestheatre@gmail.com or call (219) 879-7509.