**** Highly Recommended Shire and Maltby, the musical creators, originally wanted to call their show “Baby Baby Baby” because this is the story of three different couples surprised by unexpected babies in their futures. This delightful musical ended up being called, “Baby, The Musical” and its production is being put on by Lake Forest’s Citadel Theatre.
The three couples are: Lizzie and Danny, played by Madison Jaffe-Richter and Ben Ballmer, university Students; Pam and Nick, played by Katie Engler and Mark Yacullo, thirty-something basketball coaches at the university; and Arlene and Alan, played by Julie Bayer and Joe Lehman, faculty administrators at the university. All three couples seemingly become pregnant by different circumstances and react, and deal with, their surprise pregnancies, in different ways.

Lizzie and Danny’s pregnancy is unplanned. Pam and Nick have been trying and trying, for years, Arlene and Alan have grown children and the last thing they wanted, or expected, was a baby. Lizzie and Danny, just college juniors are surprised, then delighted. Danny thinks they should get married but not so, Lizzie. They sing a charming song together called “What Could Be Better” that is about the baby getting their best features. Later, after understanding the stresses of their future, sing a more serious, and meaningful song called, “I Chose Right”.
Pam and Nick, the basketball coaches, have been trying to have a baby for years but are unsuccessful. When Pam has an irregular cycle they think she may finally be pregnant, but no such luck. The doctor prescribes some new sexual timing techniques. This leads to some comical moments in the bedroom and, ultimately, frustration. It is no wonder that there is an Intimacy Director, Sheryl Williams, who erotically, but tastefully, handles these bedroom scenes.
Arlene and Alan, the forty-somethings, go through an array of emotions when they think that they are going to have a baby and then realize they are not. You just feel for them as they have their highs and lows about downsizing their homestead to live a new life as a couple, then realize they can’t do this, and then, back again.
While the storyline of how these three couples handle their pregnancy issues is funny, disturbing and Intriguing, the strength of this musical is the incredible acting, singing, and music. These get a 10 out of 10! The musical numbers are very clever and appropriate to the circumstances and are memorable.
The four-piece orchestra, directed by Roger L. Bingaman, though behind the set, is perfectly synchronized and spot on! Scott Shallenbarger, the director as well as choreographer, weaves all the parts together, masterfully.
“Baby, The Musical” runs through May 19th at the Citadel Theatre, located in the West Campus building of the Lake Forest School District 300 S. Waukegan Road, Lake Forest. Remaining performances are Thursdays through Saturdays at 7:30 pm, Sundays at 3:00 pm, with a 1:00 pm matinee on Wednesday, May 15th. Tickets range from $40-$45. FYI (847) 735-8554, ext. 1 or www.citadeltheatre.org