Coming soon:
March 31st through April 4th, Dunes Learning Center in partnership with Wilderness Medical Associates International (WMA) host a Wilderness First Responder (WFR) certification course. Dunes Learning Center, 700 Howe Road, Porter, IN. FYI www.DunesLearningCenter.org.
April 1st, 7:00 pm (Doors open at 6:30 pm), National Hellenic Museum (NHM) presents The Trial of Themistocles, Harris Theater, 205 E. Randolph Street, Chicago. $100 (Students $40 with proof of ID). Attorneys attending qualify for 1.5 hours of CLE. FYI (312) 655-1234 or nationalhellenicmuseum.org/trial2025
April 5th, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, 2025 RailCats Job Fair, The SteelYard, 1 Stadium Plaza, Gary. FYI www.railcatsbaseball.com
April 5th, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Shirley Heinz Land Trust Water Quality Monitoring Training. Little Calumet River-Galien watershed, Meadowbrook Nature Preserve, 109 W. 700 North, Valparaiso. FYI https://heinzetrust.org/event/wq-training/?blm_aid=287094813
April 9th, 7:00 pm, CityTalk — a Prayer for the French Republic companion lecture series: From the Bean to the Brasserie: Conversations on Assimilation, Antisemitism, and Culture presents Jewish Resistance in France during the Second World War:
Lessons for Today? Jewish Life in France After the Holocaust: American Jewish Aid and the Choice to Stay. Speaker: Sally Charnow, Professor of Modern European and Postcolonial History, Jewish Studies, Women and Gender Studies; Hofstra University. Theater Wit, 1229 W. Belmont, Chicago. Free & open to the public. FYI citytalkchicago.org.
April 10th, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, Gary Chamber of Commerce presents World Civility Day: Workshops, Dean & Barbara White Community Center, 6600 Broadway, Merrillville. $30 (luncheon only), All-day pass $90. FYI (219) 885-7407
April 10th, 6:00 pm, Gary Chamber of Commerce presents World Civility Day: International Awards Dinner, Keynote Speaker, Broadcast Journalist, Linsey Davis. Avalon Manor, 3550 E Lincoln Hwy, Merrillville. $70 (dinner only). All-day pass $90. FYI (219) 885-7407
April 11th, 7:00 pm, CityTalk — a Prayer for the French Republic companion lecture series: From the Bean to the Brasserie: Conversations on Assimilation, Antisemitism, and Culture presents Antisemitism in France: Past, Present, and Future. Speaker: Maurice Samuels, Betty Jane Anlyan Professor of French; Yale University. Theater Wit, 1229 W. Belmont, Chicago. Free & open to the public. FYI citytalkchicago.org.
April 23rd, 7:30 pm, Melinda French Gates in Conversation in honor of her new book The Next Day: Transitions, Change, and Moving Forward, available April 15 from Flatiron Books. Auditorium Theatre, 50 E. Ida B. Wells Drive, Chicago. Tickets hardcover copy of book included) start at $44.50. FYI (312) 341-2300 or auditoriumtheatre.org
April 24th, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm EDT, Indy Chamber's 11th Annual Women in Business Retreat, Alexander Hotel, 333 S Delaware St Indianapolis, IN. $99 - $375. FYI https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2025-women-in-business-retreat-tickets-1094...
April 24th, 7:00 pm, CityTalk — a Prayer for the French Republic companion lecture series: From the Bean to the Brasserie: Conversations on Assimilation, Antisemitism, and Culture presents The Arc of Memorial Vernacular: Holocaust Memory and the Evolution of Public Memorials. Speaker: James E Young, Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Founding Director of the Institute for Holocaust, Genocide, and Memory Studies;University of Massachusetts at Amherst. North Suburban Synagogue Beth El, 1175 Sheridan Rd, Highland Park. Free & open to the public. FYI citytalkchicago.org.
**** April 26th, 8:45 am - 12:00 pm, Munster Parks & Recreation & Weed Wrangle Indiana, Park Wranglers, Heritage Park Gazebo, Ridge Road & Columbia Ave., Munster. Free. Age 6+. Wear closed toed shoes, long sleeves & pants, gloves. Bring water for hydration. FYI (219) 836-7275 or www.munster.org
May 1st, 7:00 pm, CityTalk — a Prayer for the French Republic companion lecture series: From the Bean to the Brasserie: Conversations on Assimilation, Antisemitism, and Culture presents Assimilation After Revolution: Jewish Emancipation in Post-Revolutionary France. Speaker: Adi Saleem, Assistant Professor of Romance Languages & Literatures and Judaic Studies, University of Michigan. Segal Visitor's Center Auditorium, Northwestern University, 1841 Sheridan Road, Evanston. Free & open to the public. FYI citytalkchicago.org.
May 3rd, 2:00 pm, CityTalk — a Prayer for the French Republic companion lecture series: From the Bean to the Brasserie: Conversations on Assimilation, Antisemitism, and Culture presents Yiddish Paris: Jewish Cultural Pluralism and Antifascism
in Interwar France. Speaker: Nick Underwood, Assistant Professor of History, Berger-Neilsen Chair in Judaic Studies; The College of Idaho. Theater Wit, 1229 W. Belmont, Chicago. Free & open to the public. FYI citytalkchicago.org.
May 4th, 10:00 am, CityTalk — a Prayer for the French Republic companion lecture series: From the Bean to the Brasserie: Conversations on Assimilation, Antisemitism, and Culture presents French Intellectuals and the Jewish Question: Antisemitism, Universalism, and the Shifting Politics of Jewish Identity. Speaker: Jonathan Judaken, Goldstein Professor of Jewish History and Thought; Washington University in St Louis. Congregation Rodfei Zedek, 5200 S Hyde Park Blvd, Chicago. Free & open to the public. FYI citytalkchicago.org.
May 7th, 7:00 pm, CityTalk — a Prayer for the French Republic companion lecture series: From the Bean to the Brasserie: Conversations on Assimilation, Antisemitism, and Culture presents Medieval Jewish Paris: A Virtual Tour. Speaker: David Shyovitz, Associate Professor of History and Religious Studies, Director of the Crown Family Center for Jewish and Israel Studies; Northwestern University. Theater Wit, 1229 W. Belmont, Chicago. Free & open to the public. FYI citytalkchicago.org.
May 8th, 10:00 am, CityTalk — a Prayer for the French Republic companion lecture series: From the Bean to the Brasserie: Conversations on Assimilation, Antisemitism, and Culture presents American Jews, the Melting Pot, and Cultural Pluralism:
Then and Now. Speaker: Daniel Greene, Historian, US Holocaust Memorial Museum; Adjunct Professor of History, Northwestern University. Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation, 303 Dodge Ave, Evanston. Free & open to the public. FYI citytalkchicago.org.
May 17th, 10:00 - 11:15 am, Munster Parks Recreation Keen-Ager Program, Benefits of Funeral Pre-Planning, sponsored by Burns-Kish Funeral Home & Cremation. Community Park, Lions Club Social Center, 8751 Lions Club Drive, Munster. Free. FYI (219) 836-7275 or www.munster.org
August 5th through 8th, National Brownfields Training Conference, McCormick Place, Chicago. Registration begins in April. FYI https://gobrownfields.org/about/conference-overview/