Happy Groundhog Day
Indiana Quick Quiz
- The street leading to the west side of the Indiana State House is named for which Governor?
In the middle 20th century, millions of radios were produced by the Arvin Company in what Indiana city?
- The star of the old "F-Troop" TV series was born in Plainfield. What was the name of this popular actor?
- The Overlook Restaurant sits on a bluff of the Ohio River in what Indiana city?
Answers Below

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February 2, 1940 Frank Sinatra debuted with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra at the Lyric Theater in Indianapolis.
February 3, 1809 Congress passes an act dividing the Indiana Territory into two governments, creating the Illinois Territory.
February 4, 2007 The Indianapolis Colts win Super Bowl XLI in Miami, defeating the Chicago Bears, 29 to 17.
February 7, 1801 Ovid Butler is born in Augusta, New York. His family moves to Indiana, where he grows up to become a lawyer and publisher of an abolitionist newspaper. In 1850 he founds Northwestern Christian University which later becomes Butler University.
Where in Indiana
Do you know where this photo was taken?
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Our Where in Indiana? from last week was taken of the carpet in the Indiana house of representatives. Notice the 19 stars represent Indiana as the 19th state to join the union.

"If what you've done is stupid, but it works, then it really isn't all that stupid."
-David Letterman
Send your favorite Hoosier quote to: RegEdwards@idoa.in.gov
Answers: 1. Robert D. Orr 2. Columbus, Indiana 3. Forrest Tucker 4. Leavenworth, Indiana
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